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CNOOC Limited Announces Train 3 of Tangguh LNG Project Commences Production

Time:2023-10-20 Size:[ Large Medium Small ]

On October 20, CNOOC Limited announced that the first LNG cargo from the newly-built liquefaction train (Train 3) of the Tangguh LNG project in Indonesia has been delivered, marking the safe commencement of the Train 3 of Tangguh LNG project.

Tangguh LNG project is located in Papua Barat Province in Indonesia, consisting of 6 offshore gas fields under 3 PSCs. The existing two-train facility has commenced production in 2009 with a plant capacity of 7.6 million tons per annum (mtpa). Train 3 brings the total plant capacity to 11.4 mtpa, which further consolidates the position of Tangguh LNG project as the largest gas field and the largest LNG production hub in Indonesia. Production facilities that have commenced production during the same time included 2 new wellhead platforms, 10 production wells and supporting infrastructure.

CNOOC Muturi Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, holds a 13.90% interest in Tangguh project. BP Berau Ltd., the operator, and affiliates in Indonesia hold 40.22%. Other PSC partners are: MI Berau B.V. (16.30%), Nippon Oil Exploration (Berau), Limited (12.23%), KG Berau Petroleum Ltd and KG Wiriagar Petroleum Ltd (10.00%), Indonesia Natural Gas Resources Muturi Inc. (7.35%).

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